GIFT CERTIFICATE, Sewing experience, a gift that will last forever
Continuation of Summer Camp or Start Fresh , Enroll in After School Classes
The request for After School Classes, came directly from Summer Camp's students, who want to continue Sewing Classes when they go back to School.
We can offer Courses in special schedules design for the Rewarding Sewing Experience during school time.
Like all the other courses, students are limited up to 3 per class, with the Teachers total dedication.
We can offer Courses in special schedules design for the Rewarding Sewing Experience during school time.
Like all the other courses, students are limited up to 3 per class, with the Teachers total dedication.
COURSE 1 : This level is for non experience students or those who want to refresh past experience. COURSE 2 : Require knowledge and experience acquired in Level 1. COURSE 3 : Require Level 1 and 2. PRACTICING LEVEL 4 & 5 : Very important to master and get confidence on Sewing Techniques All Courses are 10 HS Long and Classes are 2:00 Hrs. Long. CLASSES START HOURS: Tuesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Thursday 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Friday 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Call for availability) Registration Fee $35.oo. Registration Fee will be waived until 08/31/2024 Price per Course is $ 299.oo (check Home Page if any discount is available at this time) A deposit is required at phone reservation.- Any coupon active at reservation can be applied Select Course Price, the Best Class Appointment for you and continue to Bay Now. (for future available classes call 305-283-9785 or 305-302-9665) |
Before you buy please read Company Policy
Deposit is require at phone reservation. - Specials and / or coupons may not be combine with others offers. -
(305-283-9785 / 305-302- 9665)
(305-283-9785 / 305-302- 9665)